Nora Kenworthy, Lynn M. Thomas, Johanna Crane Introduction: Critical perspectives on US global health partnerships in Africa and beyond HTML
Agya Mahat, David Citrin, Hima Bista NGOs, partnerships, and public-private discontent in Nepal’s health care sector HTML PDF
Johanna T. Crane Global health enabling systems: Accounting and critique in the era of ‘America First’ HTML
Nora Kenworthy Drone philanthropy? Global health crowdfunding and the anxious futures of partnership HTML PDF
Rossio Motta-Ochoa Habit or addiction? Collaboration and misunderstandings in international debates about coca-leaf chewing HTML PDF
Sarah Gimbel, Baltazar Chilundo, Nora Kenworthy, Celso Inguane, David Citrin, Rachel Chapman, Kenneth Sherr, James Pfeiffer Donor data vacuuming: Audit culture and the use of data in global health partnerships HTML PDF
Adam Warren Collaboration and discord in international debates about coca chewing, 1949–1950 HTML PDF
Tamer M. Fouad Academic dependency: A postcolonial critique of global health collaborations in oncology HTML PDF
Iruka N. Okeke Partnerships for now? Temporality, capacities, and the durability of outcomes from global health ‘partnerships’ HTML